miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

Statement for WYF Egypt 2018

Since I was a kid, I have been a “fan” of ancient Egypt, even before I was able to know the Greek culture, basis of the West. Through a cartoon called "Kaliman" that I used to read with joy, I got to know characters like Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Ra, Horus, etcetera and as well as the importance of cities like Thinis, Memphis, Karnak, Thebes, Avaris, Luxor and Alexandria, and of course, of the widely known Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings and Abu Simbel. I have been so much in love with Egyptology that I took a MOOC from Universitàt Autonoma de Barcelona in 2013 to learn more about History, Anthropology and Archaeology of this gorgeous country.

On October 2017, I was at Sochi, Russian Federation to attend World Festival of Youth and Students. Being so far from my country made me realize how vast and rich is the culture of the rest of Asian, Middle East and African countries (I had been experienced a bit more the European and American culture for a matter of distance since I am Ecuadorian and these countries are a bit closer to mine). I was astonished by the way every person of so many different cultures carried its heritage along and show it with proud and love to the rest of the world. This summit full of talented youth, culturally diverse, based on volunteering and always looking forward to a future of peace, love, and respect for all the people from all the countries totally convinced me that the way is just the one the World Youth Forum express on its online statement: to make people from all over the world to meet in a Forum to discuss the problems that affect the planet under a vision of respect and harmony, to build and apply principles of prosperity and progress for everyone. In this respect, I stand by the message of the Egyptian President, Mr. Abdelfatah Al Sisi in order to search for social peace.

So, why I want to attend World Youth Forum 2018? Cause I sincerely believe events like this need to be broadcasted worldwide because participants will get ideas that change the world and make it a better place. And finally, as I did with my "Russian experience" on Sochi's WFYS 2017, I would love to show the discussion and the debate on WYF 2018 as well as the beautifulness of Egypt to my people, to my country.

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